Transportation Resources

Access II ILC – Transportation Program: Have you ever needed a vehicle with a wheel-chair lift to get yourself, a family member, or friend to a doctors appointment or special event? Have you struggled to get out of a wheel chair and into the seat of a car? Access II Independent Living Center in Gallatin, Missouri has a transportation program that may be able to meet your needs. Access II offers two wheel chair lift equipped, accessible vans that are available for community use at no cost. If you would like to learn more about transportation options available in the community for the disabled call us toll free at 888-663-2423 and let us be your “Access II” disability resources.

OATS, Incorporated, is a not-for-profit company providing transportation prioritized for seniors and people with disabilities, but is also available to the rural general public to the extent our schedules meet their needs. We operate in all but the southeast corner of the state of Missouri (87 of Missouri’s 114 counties). OATS mission is to provide reliable transportation for transportation disadvantaged Missourians so they can live independently in their own communities.

CTAA (Community Transportation Association of America) is a membership organization working on community transportation issues across the country. At its web site you can find a wealth of information regarding best practices on almost any transportation topic, as well as a corps of experts on these topics.

Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) was established in 1980 as a Missouri non-profit corporation. It was formed to provide a unified voice for public and specialized transportation providers in Missouri and to work toward elevating the status of public transit as a national priority.

APTA (American Public Transportation Association) Click on your county to find public transportation options in your community.


Ride in Sight is a national ride locator website and toll-free call-in center at 1(855) 607-4337.


Getting Around When You No Longer Drive


Alt.-Ride Database is ‘Go-To’ Resource for Seniors, ADA Clientele



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