Legislative Education Project
The Governor´s Council on Disability and the Missouri Statewide Independent Living Council collaborate on sponsoring the Legislative Education Project (LEP) during the legislative session.
The purpose of the Legislative Education Project (LEP) is to educate and motivate individuals by providing opportunities to become active in creating positive public policies for people with disabilities.
The LEP is available for individuals/organizations that are novice to the legislative process or need additional learning about the Missouri legislative process regarding disability policies or proposed legislation that impact people with disabilities.
New this year, the Legislative Education Project is providing the three learning modules and three videos posted on this page. Each segment of the learning modules and videos is designed to easily help you understand the legislative process in Missouri, using a step by step approach. You may select the ones that you want to listen to or watch at your convenience.
Here is the link to view the LEP information: http://disability.mo.gov/gcd/LEP.htm
Please contact Laura Mueth at 1-800-877-8249 or Laura.Mueth@oa.mo.gov with any questions or concerns.